Wednesday, February 24, 2010

i will conquor with love and i will never give in.

Honestly. ppl are so two faced these days.
i was having an awsome day until i was told by someone that jamie should stop hanging out with me ryan and zack. simply cause someone thinks zack is a bad influence. ummm exscuse me but who are you to judge my brother. honestly i think he is the best person ever and i think very highly of him he is a stronger person then i am.. and apparently im a bad influence too. and ryan as well. you know i dont care if you talk about me. talk about me all day long cause at the end of the day im still gonna be the better person..i have a full time job as a cna. im getting married. decided to wait to have sex until after im married.decided to wait to move in with ryan until after im married and takin classes to be an emt/.. go ahead talk about me some more. . but when you start talking about my fiance and my brother. thats where we get personal. you dont even know ryan either. so why are u talkin about him. he is the best thing that has ever happend to me. he is a loving christian man just like my mom would have wanted. i have just come to the conclusion that ppl that have the balls to judge are just wanting to make them selves feel better.. i have so much to say to these ppl that have bein freakin out that jamie is breaking out of her shell. sayin shes changed and blah blah blah. well heres some advice. take a step back look at yourself in the mirror and poin out some of your flaws. are you really any better are you truely gonna freak out like we did in highschool just because someone gets jealous....mmmmkkkk


  1. Wow girl. He must have seriously pissed you off.
    Ryan and Zack are amazing men. I love them to death.
    Zack I do believe is the best man I've ever met other than my Daddy.
    Idk why he hasn't done anything or said anything like you think he has.
    He just is. Love ya Sis. Thanks for caring.

  2. wow carrie. This seriously sums up everything i feel in a nut shell! i love jamie lynn with all my heart, and i am sick and tired of everyone thinking they have the right to judge her just because she has other friends. I on the other hand think you, Ryan, and Zack are wonderful:) All I see is three loving friends that care about Jamie just as much as any loving friend should. And unless they knew you, they have no right to judge you.

    And i think your incredable! you have gotten so far already to make your life what you want it to be, with your hubby by your side and the people who are closest to you, your going to do amazing things :)

  3. aww thanks christina!! finally someone who understands me :)
