Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Not Gonna Let Them Get Me Down.

Have you ever had that one person that ur related to by marriage you just dont like. They Cause Non stop drama and you thank God every day that they are not tech. related to you.
Well im Currently Goin through this little problem. Today i logged onto the lovely facebook checkin to see if i had any comments. As i skimmed the page i noticed that ryan had several comments so i began to read them. most of them from jamie lynn glad to see shes doin good funny as ever. then i keep scrolling to find that his aunt ( that i may mention lives with a bunch of hairless dogs) commented saying if i were you i would really re think and i mean re think on gettin married. This bothered me alittle bit. I proceded to then call ryan and tell him what was goin on he was furious so he wrote her back sayin that he was very sure he wanted to marry me and that she should never write stuff like that again on FB. Which im Glad he done that but i thinkg in the long run its gonna cause Problems.
On another note Zack is honestly Gettin on my nerves with his little thing.
He called ryan today and was like hey lets go out to eat and when ryan called back an hour later zack was in the movies. i mean why even bother to as someone to go out and chill if your gonna blow them off. oh but of course he will be here friday. Yipee.(note that that was sarcasm.) People are just gettin on my nerves i honestly need a vacation.


  1. You don't need a vacation! You just need Jamie! hahahaha!! & yeah, that woman bothered me a little bit. I was like "who is this? that's mean" hahaha.. I knew you would say something, so.. I proceeded on, haha!

    I love you though!
    & Friday will be fun!

  2. hahaha girl i lOVE YOU! your awsome. and yes i do need my sister jamie. you should have read the long reply she said back. ryan deleted her off of his profile and it erased everything but i will tell you tommrow what she said.

  3. three hairless dogs. one for each failed marriage.did i not get the memo that hairless dogs are the new forty some cats you live with when your single?
